The Most Beautiful Paramotor Training Location Pensacola Beach Florida

Fly High Paramotors offers 1 on 1 Private Paramotor training near beautiful Pensacola Beach Florida the ultimate location to learn to fly a paramotor. No need to buy any equipment we provide you with all the gear for your paramotor training using our state of the art gear training on the lightest paramotors on the market using Air Conception Paramotors and best gliders on the market.  

Fly High Paramotors utilize the coastal training environment which is the best possible location to learn how to fly a paramotor, this location ensures consistent wind and weather conditions to learn to fly. Coastal environment training gives you the opportunity to learn both forward & reverse kiting/launch techniques, which is key to mastering wing control for takeoffs. Doing training inland is not recommended due to the lack of consistent wind/weather & high thermal activity during the day limiting the time you can fly and train during the day. Along the coast there is no thermals to worry about and you have wind to help you to learn to kite your glider you don’t need to run around all day like when you train inland. We typically train up to 6-8hrs a day for up to 10 days straight along the beautiful Pensacola coast, when you want a brake from training just hop over to the beautiful white sand beach and have swim in the clear emerald color ocean!

To reserve a custom training date tailored to your schedule Call 727-637-2224 or email reservation request at

PRIVATE PARAMOTOR TRAINING $3200 Private 1 on 1 training up to 10 days no crowds just you and the instructor.  All gear provided for your training.

 Check out Fly High Paramotors training video’s on YouTube

Fly High Paramotors accept Bitcoin payment for Training/Gear payment, Bank Wire payment/Credit card payments also accepted

Detailed Video Explaining Paramotor Training Benefits Along The Coast 

What you will learn while training

Flight School

During flight school you will learn the fundamentals that are required in order to fly a wing. A paramotor/paragliding wing is made up of many different pieces and sections. During Flight School you will be taught what they are and their purpose. You will also learn how to control a wing both in the air and on the ground. This includes how to clip into your wing in both forward and reverse launch positions. You will also learn about the various types of wings and their safety ratings. We will also discuss airspace. This includes how to read airspace charts, where you can legally fly and how to identify safe weather conditions for flying.

Ground Handling

Ground handling school is where you will roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. You will begin practicing kiting your wing on the ground. This includes actually clipping into the wing and controlling it in the air, while keeping the wing stable and above your head. Once proficient in controlling the wing. You will practice running with your wing while keeping it controlled and stable above your head. You will also learn how to identify when a launch is going poorly and practice aborting when it does happen. As well as how to put your wing away when you are done using it. Be prepared to work hard and get sweaty during ground handling training. Bringing water and a snack is recommended.

Pre/Post Flight Checklist

This is the part of training where you will learn all about a paramotor and its parts. This includes a pre-flight and post-flight check that should always be performed before flying. These checks are designed to insure that there are no issues with your motor, harness or wing. These steps are crucial to insuring you have a safe and secure flight. During this time we will discuss all the different parts that make up a paramotor. You will also learn how to properly maintain your paramotor to insure that it keeps running well for the maximum amount of hours. Almost all paramotors today have a 2-stroke engine. It is inevitable that one day your motor will need maintenance. Becoming familiar with your motor and learning how to maintain it are vital skills you will need to learn as a paramotor pilot. Repeat after me, “This is my paramotor. There are many others like it, but this one is mine!”

Take-Off and Landing

It’s now time to practice take off and landing procedures for both forward and reverse launch types. Only this time it will be done with a motor on. Before practicing these steps we will perform a hang tie with a paramotor. You will learn how to enter and exit a paramotor harness while suspended. As well as practicing how to apply weight shift while strapped in to give an added layer of control to your wing. We will also practice the methods for getting into your seat after launch. As well as how to stow your brakes properly during flight. Once finished you will be tasked with performing a pre/post flight checklist, strap into a paramotor and clip into a wing for launch. You will then practice all the necessary steps to launch your wing into the sky, but with your paramotor turned off. This will get you familiar with the weight and procedures without actually having to leave the ground.

Taking Flight

Once you have graduated from all the previous lessons. It is finally time to take your first flights! All flights will be performed under radio communications with your instructor. Your instructor will guide you through all the steps previously learned. Only while in the air instead of on the ground! This insure you have a safe and secure first few flights. You will practice both launch techniques as well as practice your approach’s to the landing zone. You will do this until your are comfortable enough to launch, land and fly without any instruction. Once comfortable, you will have officially graduated paramotor training! You will be ready to purchase your own gear and fly all on your own! Congratulations! You are now officially a paramotor pilot! Now grab your gear and go Send-It!

Physical and Flight Requirements

The sport of flying a paramotor is an amazing experience and priviledge. At Fly High Paramotors we wish everyone could experience the joys of flying. While we cant wait to guide you on your journey to the sky. There are few training requirements to note.

  You must first pass each stage of training in order to advance to taking your first flights. We understand some people learn at different paces than others and we are committed to seeing everyone of our students fly safely!  We work with each of our students individually until they are ready to fly! For some students this may take days and for others it could take weeks.

One of the necessary building blocks for succeeding in training is physical status. Except to have to run and work hard for up to 10 days or more. Sometimes        with a heavy paramotor on your back! Many paramotors with a full fuel tank can weigh up to (and sometimes exceed) 70lbs! That’s a lot of weight to put on your back and run with. We understand that for some people this is just not possible at the present time. 

Because of manufacturer guidelines and in order to provide a safe training experience, Fly High Paramotor requires that you must be under 250lbs and over 18 years of age.

Where we train

Pensacola Beach Florida